Sunday, April 24, 2011

Whoever the hell is pretending to be me, in Houston--

--this would be a good time to stop.

I've gotten e-mails from multiple people in the past few days about a guy in Houston passing himself off as me. He apparently goes so far as to tell them the author photo inside the back covers of my books is a picture of a model. Well gee, maybe I should be flattered. I'm not.

Whoever this person is, he'd be well-advised to knock it off. If it continues, this will become a matter for law enforcement to deal with.


Donal Graham said...

That's just a little bit funny.
I have a question...
Have you ever been to Yuma, AZ? I think Yuma is a little bigger than you described. I know it's fiction, but for people who were born in Yuma, or lived/drove through several times... And you left out the fact that Mexico was just a mile or two away. Sorry. I love the books! Just got bugged by some of the semantics.

ktwaterfx said...


I was immediately caught up in the first 60 or so pages of 'Ghost Country'. I really liked the sealed container part, although I have no idea if it was accurate. I am a civil/environmenal engineer, but don't usually work in those units. So, since I didn't feel motivated to look it up, I gave it the benefit ignorance.

Now I am at Chapter Twelve, the exploration of the "newer" 16 story building in the future. Maybe I should just wait for it, but my problem is that new construction is MUCH less resilient than old. Modern engineering is about finding cheaper ways to meet basic safety standards. Even if the safety standards are higher, computer aided design allows engineers to specify lesser materials to meet them. You would see more standing from buildings built in the 1920s than those built in the 2000s.... well unless the modern building was built for a special purpose.

Just thought you should know. If you (or anybody else out there)ever want(s) a free draft read through from an avid reader with a scientific background in the civil/environmental area just let me know. I am unemployed because my positions over the last 20 years largely supported manufacturing. boo hoo.

 Patrick Lee said...

Hi guys. That's pretty funny about the details--I guess a few things are bound to slip through.

Susie Moloney said...

I think being impersonated in Houston is a real sign of being famous. Isn't imitation the highest form of flattery? I personally think money is better, so you should impersonate them, at their bank.

Evert said...

Is he having any luck with it?

No one bothers to impersonate me... Is that good or bad? ;-)

Done with the first 2 Breach-books. The 3rd one is being delivered by Whisper(sync) as we speak...

Unknown said...

Hi uncle pat all my friends love ur book they want my copy..not gonna I love them and Michael couldn't put it down he read all of them the first book he read until late at least till midnight the day we got it and the second one he took to work the day after we got it to read and finished it that night and the third he read it the day we got it also all in one night he could not put it down I love it too you know about my learning disability how I can't understand what I read but for some reason with your book I can understand fine I'm so into it I don't daze out like I do any time I read and I am so focused the letters don't scramble up like normal...keep up the good work and ignore other people no one writes about exact detail in a book..they want to read the story not town facts.. I love you and ttyl..