Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blog Comments I Didn't Know About Until Just Now

Hey everyone. Looking at the settings in Blogger just now, I found a "spam folder" for comments; I didn't know this existed until now, but for a long time it's been blocking certain comments without my even seeing them. Most of these were not spam. Needless to say I posted them right away. Apologies to anyone who thought I was screening them out for some random reason; I definitely wouldn't have done that.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Breach is Very, Very Affordable Right Now

Inspired by the success of your friendly neighborhood crack dealer, for the next few days the eBook version of The Breach, the first book of the Travis Chase trilogy, is available for 99 cents.

UPDATE - The price is back up to normal again. Thank you to everyone who made the 99-cent promotion a great run!

Kindle Version

Nook Version